Celebrating amazing grant from The National Lottery Community Fund

Exciting News!

We have been awarded a £19,840 National Lottery Awards for All grant to support our work with young carers aged 14 to 18 years as they take their next steps in life.

This new funding from The National Lottery Community Fund, which distributes money raised by National Lottery players for good causes and is the largest community funder in the UK, will enable us to continue to provide much needed support for young carers aged 14-18 as they start to make choices for their futures. We work with each young carer, discussing choices, ways to remove potential barriers and helping with education or job applications, as well as providing tools to build self-confidence.

Caring for someone you love can be hard work and for young carers can lead to feelings of isolation. We offer a friendly, supportive environment so young carers can have time away from adult responsibilities, including access to regular After School club sessions during term-time and drop-in sessions during holidays, with activities, a meal, time with peers who understand and vital 1-1 time with their Support Worker. This gives them a chance to share how they feel with people who understand. We also support lunch-time drop-in sessions at local primary and secondary schools, helping schools to identify and engage with young carers.

Amanda Kelly, our Charity Executive said “We are delighted to be awarded this funding from the National Lottery which ensures that we can support young carers aged 14-18 years. We will continue to provide weekly sessions for young carers, giving them a chance to meet other young people in the same situation, share a meal, enjoy some down time and access vital support, as well as help with future choices.

We are so grateful to all the people who play the National Lottery each week. Thanks to funds raised by the players of the National Lottery we can continue to bring respite, hope and support to young carers and give them a chance to just be children.”

Andover Young Carers