It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Andover Young Carers and we would like to take a moment to thank you for your support.
2021 has been a year of many changes and challenges for everyone. Andover Young Carers has been no exception. We have had to adapt our services to respond to lockdowns, moving online for part of the year to keep in touch with our young carers and families, but have always kept the young carers at the centre of our decisions. We were very excited to welcome young carers back to the Bungalow in the summer and clubs are now back on a regular basis.
This year has also seen a lot of changes at the Bungalow with familiar faces leaving for new opportunities and new faces becoming part of the team. I was delighted to take up the post of Charity Executive in May and welcome new team members over the last few months. Laura and Sally have joined AYC as Support Workers. Nicole is our new Activities Worker and is already busy with lots of fun activities. Ali is working on our fundraising and communications to ensure we have the funds we need for the future. Nik continues as our Transition Worker, working with the 14+ age groups, but has also taken on further responsibilities in a Support Worker role.
We sadly have some more goodbyes to make. Suzie, our Administration Officer, is moving on to pastures new. She has kept everything going through all these changes and will be greatly missed.
Helen Mehaffey, Chair of our Management Committee, is stepping down after many years supporting and guiding AYC. We owe her our enormous thanks for all her hard work and commitment over the years. We wish her well in the future.
During the year we have been fortunate to gain funding from a number of trusts and foundations, as well as donations from many wonderful supporters. Andy Turrill took on a huge challenge in September, kayaking solo from Reading to Bristol, to raise money for AYC. Be Wiser Insurance in Andover named AYC as their Charity of the Year and staff have already been busy raising much needed funds for the charity. Thank you to you all.
Keep an eye out in 2022 for news of our new website and an exciting new project.
We would like to thank you all for your support during 2021. Without our volunteers, supporters, donors, funders and many others, we would not be able to be there for the amazing young carers.
We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Amanda, the team and the Management Committee